Earth or bed nailing consists in placing in the ground a number of reinforcement elements or nails which can absorb tensions occurring in the ground.
By placing these nails, a reinforced earth body is created. Usually a layer of shotcrete of about 10 cm thick will suffice to cover the thus reinforced earth body.
MOL (bicycle tunnels)
Client: VBG
Number of nails: 315
Execution: 2010
Besides the nails of 4 to 6 m long, this project for three bicycle tunnels also featured 30 tension piles (up to 20 m) and 276 metres run of triple walls.
ANTWERP (Sint-Vincentius)
Client: Roegiers
Number of nails: 650
Execution: 2008-2009
Gewi anchors were placed for the construction pit of the Sint-Vincentius hospital. Anchor lengths: from 5 to 9.5 m.
BISSEN (Luxembourg)
Client: JMJ Promotions
Number of nails:
Execution: 2007
A nailed slope of 20 m high with a surface area of 1,350 m2 and 11 rows of nails to which shotcrete was applied.